Other Catalogs
Pumps Catalog
For Clean Water
- Console K, KM
- Submersible ECV
- Horizontal double-entry D, 1D, 2D
- Horizontal multi-stage CNS
- Vortex VK, VKS, VKO
- Centrifugal circulating DOT
- Marine for sea water NTSV, NTSVS, NC, NICs, NTSKG, NTSVS, FS, FGS, DDS
For Contaminated Liquids
- Fecal SM, SD
- Submersible fecal CMK, CMF
- Drainage GNOM
- Sludge ANS, NSV, 6SH8, K-60M
- Ground GRA, GRAT, GRAK
- Pneumatic H2
- Coal pumps U
- Screw 1V20 / 10
For Petroleum Products
- Console monobloc for light petroleum KM-E
- Self-priming vortex for light petroleum products ABC, IOS, ASVN, SCL-00
- Axis-Diagonal for viscous oil UODN
- Gear for viscous oil products W, NMSH, NMSHF, NMSHG
Bitumen, tar, oils
- For bitumen, tar, oil DC-125, DC-134
- Horizontal console with closed impeller X
- Horizontal cantilever open impeller AH
- Horizontal cantilever with a closed impeller with heating jacket CW
- Horizontal cantilever open impeller with a heating jacket Operations
- Horizontal monobloc XM
- Horizontal rubberized X-R
- Horizontal multistage HB
- Horizontal for low-boiling liquids (ammonia) X-E
- Horizontal sealed TT
- Vertical self-priming monoblock AHVMS
- Vertical submersible AHP, TCI, HP
- Liquid ring VVN1-0,75, VVN1-1,5, BBH 1-3, 1-6 BBH, BBH 1-12, BBH 1-25, 2-50 BBH
- Rotary vane AVPR
For Foods
- Rotor-pulsation installation RPU
- Rotor-pulsation apparatus RPA
- Centrifugal CP
- Self-priming centrifugal ONTSS
- Chemical centrifugal pumps XM
- Centrifugal self-priming pumps HMS
- Dynamic laminar ONL
- Self-priming Vortex videoconferencing
- Free-flow stainless steel ONTSV
- Drum stainless ONLB
- Rotary self-priming OHP
- Plate SNP